1. Barnard, John, and Maureen Bell. 1994. The Early Seventeenth-Century York Book Trade and John Foster’s Inventory of 1616. Leeds: published for the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society.
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3. Bell, Maureen. 1996. ‘Women in the Early English Book Trades, 1557–1700’. In Leipzig Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte 6: 13–45.
4. Bradley, Thomas. 1663. Ceasar’s Due. York: Printed by Alice Broade, and are to be sold by Richard Lambert at the Minster-Gates.
5. Brittains remembrancer: or, the Nationall Covenant. As it was laid out in a sermon preached in the Minster at Yorke, before the right admirable Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax. 1644. York: printed by Tho. Broad, dwelling at Mistris Rogers house in Stone-Gate, over against the Starre.