1. Journal of the Board of Agriculture, April 1915–March 1916 https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.232728/mode/2up (accessed 25/1/2024).
2. Journal of the Board of Agriculture, April 1917–March 1918 https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.29517/mode/2up (accessed 25/1/2024).
3. Barnett, C. 1970. Britain and Her Army, 1509–1970: A Military, Political and Social Survey. London: Allen Lane.
4. The Army Council. 1921. General Annual Reports on the British Army for the Period from 1st October, 1913, to 30th September, 1919. Cmd. 1193 London: HMSO. Part III Table 1B p. 60.
5. Macready, N. 1925. Annuls of an Active Life. vol. I. New York: George H. Doran, p. 245.