Springer Nature Switzerland
Reference64 articles.
1. F. Shwedeh, A. Aburayya, R. Alfaisal, A.A. Adelaja, G. Ogbolu, A. Aldhuhoori, S. Salloum, SMEs’ innovativeness and technology adoption as downsizing strategies during COVID-19: the moderating role of financial sustainability in the tourism industry using structural equation modelling. Sustainability 14(23), 16044 (2022)
2. K. Tahat A. Mansoori, D.N. Tahat, M. Habes, R. Alfaisal, S. Khadragy, S.A. Salloum, Detecting fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic: a SEM-ML approach. Comput. Integr. Manuf. Syst. 28(12), 1554–1571 (2022)
3. M. Habes, M. Elareshi, S.A. Salloum, S. Ali, R. Alfaisal, A. Ziani, H. Alsridi, Students’ perceptions of mobile learning technology acceptance during Covid-19: WhatsApp in focus. EMI. Educ. Media Int. 59(4), 288–306 (2022)
4. M.A. Almaiah, K. Alhumaid, A. Aldhuhoori, N. Alnazzawi, A. Aburayya, R. Alfaisal, R. Shehab, Factors affecting the adoption of digital information technologies in higher education: an empirical study. Electronics 11(21), 3572 (2022)
5. M.A. Almaiah R. Alfaisal, S.A. Salloum, S. Al-Otaibi, R. Shishakly, A. Lutfi, R.S. Al-Maroof, Integrating teachers’ TPACK levels and students’ learning motivation, technology innovativeness, and optimism in an IoT acceptance model. Electronics 11(19), 3197 (2022)