1. Ashcroft R (2013) Novel rights-based approaches to health technologies. In: Flear ML, Farrell AM, Hervey TK, Murphy T (eds) European law and health technologies. Oxford University Press, p 310
2. Bennet Moses L (2017) Regulating in the face of sociotechnical change, p 575. See R. Brownsword, M. Goodwin, Law and technologies of the twenty-first century. Text and materials. Cambridge University Press, 2012, p 63
3. Bergougnous G (2013) Le Conseil constitutionnel et le législateur, in Les Noveaux Cahiers du Conseil Constitutionnel, 1, 294 ff
4. Brownsword R (2008) Rights, regulation, and the technological revolution. Oxford University Press, p 160
5. Brownsword R, Goodwin M (2012) Law and the technologies of the twenty-first century: text and materials