AbstractThe results of this book extend the knowledge about why some groups or interests experience disproportional access to housing stocks in densifying urban areas, and tend to lose while others tend to win. In the concluding part, the key results answering the three sub-questions (SQ1 to SQ3) are presented. Results are discussed that contribute to neoinstitutionalist political ecology research. Chapter 6 and this chapter close with the findings that answer the main research question (RQ) and rich conclusions supporting the point of this book, i.e. that densification has become a business, which creates exclusion and marginalization for some part of the urban population. Although results are limited to Switzerland, potential for generalization to other states and urban contexts results from the identified key results and causal mechanisms. Finally, the limitations of the theoretical and methodological model applied are discussed (Sect. 7.2), and an outlook for future research is presented (Sect. 7.3).
Springer Nature Switzerland