1. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburg. https://www.chp.edu/our-services/transplant/liver/recovery/life-after/vaccinations. Accessed 20 Oct 2022
2. Cole JP, Swendiman KS (2015) Mandatory vaccinations: precedent and current laws. Curr Polit Econ 17:255
3. Doe v. Mills, No. 21A90 (U.S. Oct. 29, 2021); Dr. A. v. Hochul, No. 21A145 (U.S. Dec. 13, 2021) (Gorsuch, J., dissenting)
4. F.F., as parent of Y.F. v. New York, No. 21-1003 (U.S. May 23, 2022) (cert. denied)
5. Garcia v. New York City Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene, No.07687, slip op. at (N.Y. App. Div. Dec. 23, 2020)