1. Kuhn, Thomas S. “After Paradigms What.” Denison University, December 1980. TSKP 5.34.
2. ———. “Comments on Shimony.” Boston University Colloquium, January 1990a. TSKP 24.7.
3. ———. “A Function for Incommensurability.” UCLA Philosophy Colloquium, April 1990b. TSKP 24.8.
4. ———. “An Historian’s Theory of Meaning.” UCLA Philosophy Colloquium, April 1990c. TSKP 24.9.
5. NCC = Kuhn, Thomas S. “The Natures of Conceptual Change.” 1–3, Perspective Lectures, University of Notre Dame, November 17, 1980. TSKP 5.36.