AbstractEnvironmental protection, sustainable development, and climate change can be considered as cross-cutting topics. There is no doubt that these are some of the burning topics of the modern age. The achievement of climate goals (set primarily within the framework of the European Union) will require professionals trained in environmental law and protection, as well as related topics which will be involved in the process of achieving European environmental goals. However, such professionals are currently not trained sufficiently in law faculties in the Republic of Croatia, which is shown in the paper, based on a comparative analysis of the implementation plans of law faculties. It is necessary to educate young lawyers on environmental protection and create a perception of the importance of law and legal protection. This chapter presents activities related to environmental protection based on the implementation plans of faculties of law in Croatia, especially of the Faculty of Law Osijek. In addition to the inclusion of environmental issues in the curriculum of various established courses, the chapter emphasises the necessity of collaboration through ‘green legal clinics.’ Further activities include writing papers on environmental protection and organizing dedicated workshops, aimed at pointing out the importance of educating young lawyers on environmental legal protection.
Springer Nature Switzerland
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