Springer International Publishing
Reference14 articles.
1. R. Ahlswede, Channels with arbitrarily varying channel probability functions in the presence of noiseless feedback. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Verw. Gebiete, vol. 25 (1973), pp. 239–252
2. R. Ahlswede, N. Cai, The AVC with noiseless feedback and maximal error probability, A capacity formula with a trichotomy, in Numbers, Information and Complexity, Special Volume in Honour of R. Ahlswede on Occasion of his 60th Birthday, ed. by I. Althöfer, N. Cai, G. Dueck, L.H. Khachatrian, M. Pinsker, A. Sárközy, I. Wegener, Z. Zhang (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2000), pp. 151–176
3. R. Ahlswede, Combinatorial Methods and Models, Rudolf Ahlswede’s Lectures on Information Theory 4. Series: Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking, ed. by A. Ahlswede, I. Althöfer, C. Deppe, U. Tamm, vol. 13 (Springer, Berlin, 2016)
4. C.E. Shannon, The zero error capacity of a noisy channel. IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT 2, 8–19 (1956)
5. R. Ahlswede, A note on the existence of the weak capacity for channels with arbitrarily varying probability functions and its relation to Shannon’s zero error capacity. Ann. Math. Stat. 41, 1027–1033 (1970)