1. Besse, Joseph. 1753. A Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers, vol. 1. London.
2. Cheevers, Sarah. 1663. To All People Upon the Face of the Earth. London.
3. Evans, Katharine. 1663. A Brief Discovery of God’s Eternal Truth. London.
4. Evans, Katharine, and Sarah Cheevers. 1662. This is a Short Relation of Some of the Cruel Sufferings (For the Truths Sake) of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, in the Inquisition in the Isle of Malta. London.
5. ———. 1663. A True Account of the Great Tryals and Cruel Sufferings Undergone by Those Two Faithful Servants of God, Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers. London.