The Duty to Promote Digital Minimalism in Others I: Duties of Virtue


Aylsworth TimothyORCID,Castro ClintonORCID


AbstractIn this chapter, we introduce the duty to be an attention ecologist, one who promotes digital minimalism in others. After arguing for the existence of this duty on Kantian grounds (i.e., as following from a duty to respect humanity), we address an objection from Kant himself, who thought that we cannot be obliged to perfect others (which attention ecology seems to demand). We rebut the objection and explore one (of two) sides of attention ecology, i.e., the duty understood as a duty of virtue (in contrast to a duty of right, which we explore in Chap. 6). Here, “virtue” and “right” are Kantian terms of art, the core difference being that duties of virtue cannot be coercively enforced, whereas duties of right can. We show that attention ecology, understood as a duty of virtue, has implications for parents, teachers, friends, employers, and developers. The demands of the duty are conditioned by relationships that constitute these roles; the demands it makes of parents, for instance, are different from those it makes of employers because the relationship between parents and children is different from that of employers and workers. Much of the chapter is dedicated to exploring these differences.


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Florida International University


Springer International Publishing







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