1. Adams, J. Donald. 1934. The Lost Generation’s Sad Story: Malcolm Cowley, in “Exile’s Return,” Chronicles the Ideas and Other Influences That Set the Expatriates Adrift. The New York Times Book Review, May 27.
2. Aldridge, John W. 1951. Books: The Exile’s Return. New York World-Telegram, July 17.
3. ———. 1980. Malcolm Cowley at Eighty. Michigan Quarterly Review 18, Summer: 481–90.
4. Bak, Hans. 1993. Malcolm Cowley: The Formative Years. Athens & London: University of Georgia Press.
5. Bak, Hans, ed. 2014. The Long Voyage: Selected Letters of Malcolm Cowley, 1915–1987. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.