1. Anon. 2018. “Why are the current historical dramas mostly shot in the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, while there are almost no historical dramas of the Ming Dynasty?” zhihu.com, https://www.zhihu.com/question/20864234/answer/495863289. Accessed 18th March 2021.
2. Biskind, Peter. 2004. Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance, and The Rise of Independent Film, London: Bloomsbury.
3. Black Rose, The. 1950. Directed by Henry Hathaway. 20th Century Fox.
4. Booth, Paul. 2016. Digital Fandom 2.0: New Media Studies, 2nd edition. New York: Peter Lang.
5. Burgoyne, Robert, ed. 2010. The Epic Film in World Culture. London: Routledge.