1. Artaud, Antonin. 1972. Scenarios. On the Cinema. Interviews. Letters. Translated by Alastair Hamilton. Vol. 3 of Collected Works. London: Calder & Boyars.
2. Belodubrovskaya, Maria. 2016. “The Literary Scenario and the Soviet Screenwriting Tradition.” In A Companion to Russian Cinema, edited by Birgit Beumers, 251–69. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
3. Eisenstein, Sergei. 1971. Izbrannye proizvedeniia v shesti tomakh. Vol. 6. Moscow: Iskusstvo.
4. ———. 1988. Writings: 1922–1934. Translated by Richard Taylor. Vol. 1 of Selected Works. London: British Film Institute.
5. Handke, Peter. 1975. Falsche Bewegung. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.