1. Harding A, Pickard A (2019) Towards a more diverse INCOSE. In: Miller W (Chief ed), Squires A, Hoverman L, Long D (Theme eds) INCOSE INSIGHT Practitioner Mag 22(3)
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3. Hoverman L, Long D, Squires AF (2019) Diversity in systems engineering special feature introduction. In: Miller W (Chief ed), Squires A, Hoverman L, Long D (Theme eds) INCOSE INSIGHT Practitioner Mag 22(3)
4. INCOSE (2016) Complexity primer for systems engineers. INCOSE Technical Product Reference: INCOSE-TP-2016-001-01.0 A. INCOSE, San Diego, CA
5. INCOSE (2018) INCOSE systems engineering competency framework. INCOSE technical product reference: INCOSE-TP-2018-002-01.0, INCOSE, San Diego, CA