1. Vasiliev AV, Lartsev AM, Fedyanov EA (2017) Ocenka teplovogo sostoyaniya golovki cilindra dvigatelya vozdushnogo ohlazhdeniya pri ego forsirovanii (Assessment of the thermal state of the cylinder head of an air-cooled engine during its forcing) Truck, Moscow
2. Menshenin GG (2006) Povyshenie tekhnicheskogo urovnya i nadezhnosti dizel’nyh dvigatelej vozdushnogo ohlazhdeniya 8CHVN15/16 s uchetom rezul’tatov ekspluatacii (Improving the technical level and reliability of air-cooled diesel engines 8CHVN15/ 16, taking into account the results of operation: monograph) VPI (branch) VolgSTU, Volgograd
3. Lartsev AM (2013) Osobennosti proizvodstva dvigatelej vozdushnogo ohlazhdeniya bol’shoj moshchnosti (Features of the production of air-cooled engines of high power) Engine building, St. Petersburg
4. Rein VF (1989) Rezul’taty priemo-sdatochnyh ispytanij sta dvigatelej 8DVT-330: tekhnicheskaya spravka (The results of acceptance tests of a hundred engines 8DVT-330) Volgograd engine factory, Volgograd
5. Lartsev AM (2014) Ocenka effektivnyh pokazatelej dvigatelya vozdushnogo ohlazhdeniya V-400 pri ego forsirovanii (Evaluation of the effective performance of the air-cooled engine V-400 during its forcing). Engine building, St. Petersburg