1. Akhiezer, D., Cupit-Foutou, S.: On the canonical real structure on wonderful varieties. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 693, 231–244 (2014)
2. Borovoi, M., Gagliardi, G.: Existence of equivariant models of spherical homogeneous spaces and other $$G$$G-varieties. arxiv:1810.08960 (2018)
3. Cupit-Foutou, S.: Anti-holomorphic involutions and spherical subgroups of reductive groups. Transform. Groups 20(4), 969–984 (2015)
4. Dubouloz, A., Liendo, A.: Normal real affine varieties with circle actions. arxiv:1810.11712 (2018)
5. Dubouloz, A., Petitjean, C.: Rational real algebraic models of compact differential surfaces with circle actions. In this volume