1. Mingazov, S.: RBC: sanctions due to Navalny will affect less than 1% of supplies from the United States. https://www.forbes.ru/newsroom/biznes/424133-rbk-sankcii-iz-za-navalnogo-kosnutsya-menee-1-postavok-iz-ssha (2021). Accessed 24 March 2021
2. Protsenko, A.: The Ministry of industry and trade spoke about Russia’s strategy in response to US sanctions. https://rg.ru/2021/03/22/minpromtorg-na-sankcii-ssha-rossiia-otvetit-rostom-importozameshcheniia.html (2021). Accessed 24 March 2021
3. Federal Law On Countering the Unlawful Use of Insider Information and Market Manipulation and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation dated 27 July 2010 N 224-FZ. http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_103037/ (2021). Accessed 27 March 2021
4. Lenta: US allowed new sanctions against Russia. https://lenta.ru/news/2021/02/12/sanc/ (2021). Accessed 27 March 2021
5. RIA: The EU talked about the preparation of sanctions against Russia. https://ria.ru/20210212/sanktsii-1597171925.html (2021). Accessed 27 March 2021