1. Abioye, L. (2021, March 15). Sen. Ron Johnson: I would’ve felt threatened by Capitol Mob if they were BLM or Antifa!! MTO News. https://mtonews.com/sen-ron-johnson-i-wouldve-felt-threatened-by-capitol-mob-if-they-were-blm-or-antifa
2. Amber, R. (2020). Season 1 Episode 11, (January 6th Monologue). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNhii_kfBzE&t=2s
3. Asante, M. K. (2019). 400 years of witnessing. Universal Write Publications.
4. Associated Press. (2021a, January 13). FBI says it warned about possible violence ahead of U.S. Capitol riot. PBS NewsHour. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-says-it-warned-about-possible-violence-ahead-of-u-s-capitol-riot
5. Associated Press. (2021b). FBI says it warned about possible violence ahead of U.S. Capitol riot. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-says-it-warned-about-possible-violence-ahead-of-u-s-capitol-riot