1. McCarthy N (2015) Connected cars by the numbers. Forbes. Accessed 27 Jan 2015
2. Gartner (2015) Gartner says by 2020, a quarter billion connected vehicles will enable new in-vehicle services and automated driving capabilities. http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2970017 . Accessed 26 Jan 2015
3. NHTSA (2016) Federal motor vehicle safety standards; V2V communications. Technical Report NHTSA-2016-0126, US Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
4. FHWA (2015) Vehicle-to-infrastructure deployment guidance and products. Technical Report FHWA-HOP-15-015, US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
5. University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems (2016) Autonomous vehicles factsheet. Technical Report Pub. No. CSS16-18, Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan