1. V.A. Vassiliev, Cohomology of knot spaces, in: Theory of Singularities and its Applications, V.I. Arnold (ed.), Advances in Soviet Mathematics, AMS 1 (1990), 23–70.
2. V.I. Arnold, On some topological invariants of algebraic functions, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc.
21 (1970), 27–46.
3. V.I. Arnold, Some open problems in the theory of singularities, Proc. S. L. Sobolev Seminar
1 (1976), Novosibirsk, 5–15. Translated in Singularities, Proc. Symp. Pure Math.
40 AMS, 1983, 57–69.
4. V.I. Arnold, “On some problems in singularity theory”, in: Geometry and Analysis, papers dedicated to the memory of V. K. Patodi, M. F. Atiyah (ed)., Bangalore (1980). Reproduced in the Proceedings of the Indian Acad. Sci. Math Sci.
90 (1981), 1–9.
5. V.A. Vassiliev, Stable cohomology of the complements to the discriminants of the singularities of smooth functions, Itogi Nauki and Techn. VINITI, Prob. Math., Noveishie Dostijenia
33 (1988), 3–29, Moscow. English translation: J. of Sov. Math. (1990).