1. Alonso William and Paul Starr (1987) The Politics of Numbers (Population of the United States in the 1980s: A Census Monograph Series). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
2. Anderson, Margo (2015). The American Census: A Social History, second ed. New Haven, Yale University Press.
3. Anderson, Margo (1988). The American Census: A Social History, New Haven, Yale University Press.
4. Margo Anderson and. Fienberg, Stephen E. (1999a). Who Counts? The Politics of Census Taking in Contemporary America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
5. Anderson, Margo and Fienberg, Stephen E. (1999b). “The History of the First American Census and the Constitutional Language on Censustaking: Report of a Workshop,” Report to the Donner Foundation July, 1999.