2000s: Transforming Community Services


Bramwell Donna,Checkland Kath,Shields Jolanta,Allen Pauline


AbstractThe new millennium saw the publication ofThe NHS Planin 2000, which bought a welcome focus to community health services (CHS) and the role of community nursing. We outline the proposals contained in the plan which furthered the quasi-marketisation of the NHS and increased commissioning of health care at the local level of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)—replacing Health Authorities (HAs) and Primary Care Groups (PCGs). A further review by Lord Darzi and subsequent policy,Transforming Community Services: Enabling new patterns of provision(DoH, 2009) instigated the separation of commissioning/provision and laid out timetables for how PCTs were to do this. The long held roles of the district nursing service continues in this era, although not always clearly defined, understood or acknowledged and policy attempts to expand their remit feature heavily. This included more clinical tasks as well as focusing on such things as public health/health protection and promotion programmes that improve health and reduce inequalities. This chapter also describes the uncertainty for frontline nurses that the Transforming Community Services (TCS) brought in terms of who their employer would be or what management arrangements they would work under given the establishment of some standalone Trusts, some third sector and some combined acute/community Trusts. The aims of the TCS programme were bold but in reality achieved little by the end of the era.


Springer International Publishing

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