1. ISO 19152:2012: Geoinformation – Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2012)
2. EC: Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). European Commission, Brussels (2007). http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
3. ISO 19135-1:2015: Geographic Information – Procedures for Item Registration – Part 1: Fundamentals. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2019)
4. ISO 19111:2019: Geographic information – Spatial Referencing by Coordinates. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2019)
5. AdV-WG Information and Communication Technology: Documentation on the Modelling of Geoinformation of Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany (GeoInfoDoc) – Version 7.1, Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany, AdV: http://www.adv-online.de