1. Bladen, Victoria. “Othello on Screen: Monsters, marvellous space and the power of the tale”. In Shakespeare on Screen: Othello, edited by Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin, 24–42. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
2. Blecher, Sara, dir. Otelo Burning. Johannesburg: Cinga Productions . Film [DVD], 2011.
3. Blecher, Sara. Interview with the author, 11 October 2013.
4. Demby, Gene and Meraji, Shereen Marisol. “All That Glisters is not Gold”. Code Switch (NPR), 21 August 2019. Online (transcript): https://www.npr.org/transcripts/752850055.
5. Desai, Ashwin. Reading Revolution: Shakespeare on Robben Island. Pretoria: Unisa Press, 2012.