1. Crompton, Sarah. 2012. William Forsythe Interview: Artifact is an Ode to Ballet. The Telegraph, April 18. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/dance/9211413/William-Forsythe-interview-Artifact-is-an-ode-to-ballet.html. Accessed 3 January 2015.
2. Di Benedetto, Stephen. 2011. The Provocation of the Senses in Contemporary Theatre. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
3. Driver, Senta. 1990. A Conversation with William Forsythe. Ballet Review 18 (1): 86–97.
4. ———. 2000. William Forsythe and Jennifer Tipton: A Conversation About Lighting. In William Forsythe (Choreography and Dance: An International Journal 5 (3)), ed. Senta Driver, 41–78. Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers.
5. Figgis, Mike, director. Just Dancing Around? 1996; Channel Four version, Euphoria Films, 50′59″. Aired 27 December 1996.