1. Bert F. Hoselitz Papers, 1923–1987, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
2. Ludwig von Mises Papers, Grove City College, Hoselitz correspondence, 1941.
3. ‘Selected Publications of Bert F. Hoselitz’. In M. Nash (ed.) Essays on Economic Development and Cultural Change in Honor of Bert F. Hoselitz (1977). Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 449–460.
4. Bloch, H.S. and B.F. Hoselitz (1944). The Economics of Military Occupation: Selected Problems. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
5. Hoselitz, B.F. (1943a). British Trade Policy and the United States. Monograph No. 5. New Haven, CT: Yale Institute of International Studies. Circulated privately.