1. Anon. Advertisement for: J. Kersey, Elements of Algebra, in: Philosophical Transactions no. 90 (20 January 1672/3), pp. 5152–5154.
2. Arber, Edward. The Term Catalogues, 1668–1709 A.D., with a number for Easter Term 1711 A.D., 3 vols, London: privately printed 1903–1906.
3. Aubrey, John. Aubrey on Education. A hitherto unpublished manuscript by the author of Brief Lives, ed. James Edwin Stephens, London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1972.
4. Aubrey, John. Brief Lives. With an Apparatus for the Lives or our English Mathematical Writers, 2 vols (continuously paginated), ed. Kate Bennett, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015.
5. Baker, Thomas. The Geometrical Key: or the gate of Equations unlock’d, London: J. Playford for R. Clavel 1684.