1. D. M. Nuti (1970). Capitalism, socialism and steady growth. The Economic Journal, Vol. LXXX, 32-57, March.
2. D. M. Nuti (1973). On the truncation of production flows. Kyklos, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, 485-496.
3. D. M. Nuti (1974a). An edition of V.K. Dmitriev’s Ekonomicheskie Ocherki, under the title: Economic Essays on Value, Competition and Utility, with notes and an Introductory Essay, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
4. D. M. Nuti (1974b). On the rates of return on investment, Kyklos, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, May, 345-369.
5. D. M. Nuti (1979). The contradictions of socialist economies - a Marxian interpretation, in R. Miliband and J. Saville (Eds.), Socialist Register 1979, The Merlin Press, London, pp. 228-73.