1. Alitto, Guy. 1979. The Last Confucian: Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity. Chicago: Chicago University Press. (A very detailed biography of Liang Shuming, still unsurpassed.)
2. An, Yanming. 1997. “Liang Shuming and Henri Bergson on Intuition: Cultural Context and the Evolution of Terms.” Philosophy East and West 47.3: 337–362. (Analysis of the evolution of key concepts in Liang’s thought, such as intuitive knowledge, reason, and intellect)
3. ———. 2002. “Liang Shuming: Eastern and Western Cultures and Confucianism.” In Chung-Ying Cheng, ed., Contemporary Chinese Philosophy. Boston: Blackwell Publishers. (General presentation of Liang’s life and ideas, with an analysis of key concepts, mostly taken from the 1997 paper; lacks an analysis of Liang’s influence.)
4. Bresciani, Umberto. 2001. Reinventing Confucianism. Taipei: Ricci Institute. (Includes one chapter giving a quite complete presentation of Liang’s life and ideas; Liang is presented as the forerunner of the New Confucian Movement.)
5. Chen, Lai 陳來. 2006. Tradition and Modernity: A Humanist view 傳統與現代:人文主義的視界. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshi. (In this collection of essays, Chen Lai has one chapter about Dongqi wenhua jiqi zhexue and one about Zhongguo wenhua yaoyi.)