1. One on one training for faculty members with development partners is the best way to learn. A randomized trial to evaluate methodologies for engaging academic physicians in grateful patient fundraising. Acad Med. 2012;87:1.
2. Suzuki, Shunryū, Trudy Dixon, Huston Smith, Richard Baker, Andy Harmon. 1970. Zen mind, beginner’s mind; for more on the power of beginners, see also: Wiseman, Liz. 2014. Rookie smarts: why learning beats knowing in the new game of work.
3. One of my favorite resources for these questions comes from talented fundraising consultant Karen Osborne of The Osborne Group. See
. Hearing Karen speak on this topic live is also a great experience.
4. For more on how fundraisers can make it easy on faculty, see this article by my colleague, Dr. Cliff Harris: Engaging Physicians in Philanthropy: 12 Years Later, Healthcare Philanthropy Journal, Fall 2018.