1. Karhade, P., Dong, J.Q.: Information technology investment and commercialized innovation performance: dynamic adjustment costs and curvilinear impacts. MIS Q. (2021, forthcoming)
2. Karhade, P., Dong, J.Q.: Innovation outcomes of digitally enabled collaborative problemistic search capability. MIS Q. (2021, forthcoming)
3. Dong, J.Q., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X.: How firms make information technology investment decisions: toward a behavioral agency theory. J. Manag. Inf. Syst. 38(1), 29–58 (2021)
4. Dong, J.Q., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu, S.X.: Information technology and innovation outputs: the missing link of search evolution. In: Academy of Management Proceedings 2015, vol. 1, p. 13847. Academy of Management, Briarcliff Manor (2015)
5. Dong, J.Q., He, J., Karhade, P.: The Penrose effect in resource investment for innovation: evidence from information technology and human capital. In: ECIS Completed Research, p. 80 (2013)