1. Adams, Charles F., Jr. “Railroad Inflation.” North American Review. No. CCXXIL, January 1869, 130–164.
2. Adams, Charles F., Jr. “The Granger Movement.” North American Review Vol. 120, No. 247, April 1875, 394–424.
3. Andreano, Ralph. “A Note on the Horatio Alger Legend: Statistical Studies of Nineteenth Century American Business Elite.” Business Enterprise and Economic Change: Essays in Honor of Harold F. Williamson, edited by Louis Cain and Paul Uselding (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1973), 227–246.
4. Beard, Charles and Mary Beard. The Rise of American Civilization (New York, NY: Macmillan, [1927] 1933), 2 vols.
5. Bridges, Hal. “The Robber Baron Concept in American History.” Business History Review XXXI(1), Spring 1958, 1–13.