1. Akiko, Sugawa. 2015. Fantajii ni asobu: Pafômansu toshiteno 2.5jigen bunka ryôiki to imajineshon (Interplay with Fantasy: The 2.5-D Cultural Space and Our Imagination). Yuriika (Eureka), Special Issue: 2.5-jigen (2.5-Dimension): pp. 41–47 (as per Sugawa’s own translation).
2. Andini, Amalia N. 2018. Cosplay, Gender Performativity, and Rape Culture: Analyzing Female-to-Male Crossplay Practice in Indonesia. Unpublished Research Paper: Graduate School of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University.
3. Angle, Maura. 2011. Tasmania’s Parliament Legalises Crossdressing. The World Today, March 16. Retrieved December 2017. http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/stories/s261378.htm.
4. Aramageddon Cosplay Props & Weapons’ Policy. Retrieved July 2021. https://www.armageddonexpo.com/Weapons-Policy/.
5. Ardener, Shirley. 2005. Male Dames and Female Boys: Crossdressing in the English Pantomime. In Changing Sex and Bending Gender. Ed. Alison Shaw and Shirley Ardener. London: Berghahn Books. pp. 119–137.