1. OpenAI ChatGPT. https://openai.com/chatgpt. Accessed 08 Aug 2023
2. ChatGPT sets record for fastest-growing user base - analyst note. https://www.reuters.com/technology/chatgpt-sets-record-fastest-growing-user-base-analyst-note-2023-02-01. Accessed 08 Aug 2023
3. ChatGPT Grew Another 55.8% in March, Overtaking Bing and DuckDuckGo. https://www.similarweb.com/blog/insights/ai-news/chatgpt-bing-duckduckgo. Accessed 08 Aug 2023
4. Haque, M.U., Dharmadasa, I., Sworna, Z.T., et al.: “I think this is the most disruptive technology”: Exploring Sentiments of ChatGPT Early Adopters using Twitter Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05856 (2022)
5. Tlili, A., Shehata, B., Adarkwah, M.A., et al.: What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education. Smart Learn. Environ. 10, 15 (2023)