1. S.N.Antontsev, M.Chipot. Existence, Stability, Blow up of Solution for Thermistor Problem. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Russian (to appear).
2. S.N. Antontsev, A.V. Kazhikov, V.N. Monakhov. Boundary Value Problems in Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Fluids. Studies in Mathematics and its Applications # 22, (1990), North Holland.
3. A. Bensoussan, L.J.Lions. Aplications des inequations varia-tionnelles en controle stochastique, (1978), Dunod, Paris.
4. M.Chipot, J.I.Diaz, R.Kersner. Existence and uniqueness results for the Thermistor problem with temperature dependent conductivity. (To appear)
5. M. Chipot, G. Gimatti. A uniqueness result for the Thermistor problem. European J. of Applied Math., 2, (1991),p.97–103.