1. I. M. Klotz,Chemical Thermodynamics (W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, 1964).
2. E. J. King,Acid-Base Equilibria (Pergamon Press, Inc., Oxford, England, 1965).
3. L. G. Hepler and E. M. Woolley, inWater; a Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 3, F. Franks, ed. (Plenum Press, New York, 1973).
4. R. N. Goldberg and L. G. Hepler,J. Phys. Chem. 72, 4654 (1968).
5. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen,The Physical Chemistry of Electrolyte Solutions, 3rd ed. (Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, 1958).