1. S. S. Antonov and V. D. Glebov, “Deformability and stability of the right-bank rock mass along the axis of the Toktogul' dam,” No. 10.
2. I. F. Bolgov, “Deformation of the earth's surface following large-scale hydraulic engineering works,” No. 11.
3. A. F. Vasil'ev, “Basic conclusions from 40 years experience of use of moraine soils in hydraulic engineering on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia,” No. 8.
4. A. V. Vronskii, “Uneven settlement of tall footings on nonuniform soil,” No. 8.
5. B. I. Didukh, “Calculating the pore pressure in the cores of high dams during construction,” No. 6.