1. V. A. Borisenko and G. S. Pisarenko, Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, No. 5, 95 (1961).
2. V. A. Borisenko, Collection: Problems of High-Temperature Strength in Machine Construction [in Russian] (ITI, Kiev, 1961), p. 230.
3. I. N. Frantsevich, I. E. Shiyanovskaya, and V. A. Lavrenko, Fizika metallov i metalloved.,9, 4, 593 (1960).
4. A. A. Bochvar, Metallography [in Russian] (Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1956).
5. E. M. Savitskii, Influence of Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Metals and Alloys [in Russian] (Izd. AN SSSR, 1957).