1. J. Miller, C. Schuhl, G.Tamas and C.Tzara, Jour. Phys. Radium 21, 296 (1960);Nuclear Phys, 32, 236 (1962) (Laboratory of SaclayI).
2. E.G.Fuller, Proc. Int. Conf, on Phonuclear Reactions and Applications (Asiolomar, 1973) pag, 1201. (Laboratories of NBS, Livermore II, Mainz)
3. U Kneissl, E. A. Koop, G.Kuhl, K.H.Leister and A. Weller, Nuclear Instr. and Meth. 127, 1 (1975) (Laboratory of Giessen).
4. C.P.Jupiter, N.E,Hansen, R.E.Shafer and S.C,Fults; Nuclear Inst. and Meth, 121, 866 (1961) (Laboratory of Livermore I).
5. C.G.Schuhl, Proc. Int. Conf. on Few Body Problems in Nuclear and Particle Physiscs (Quebec, 1974), p. 788; Proc. Int, Conf. on Pho tonuclear Reactions and Applications (Asilomar, 1973), p. 1249; R. Bergere; private communication (Laboratory of Saclay II).