1. Bär, D.(1977) A methodology for simultaneously developing and verifying PASCAL programs, manuscript.
2. Blikle, A.(1977A) A mathematical approach to the derivation of correct programs, In: Semantics of Programming Languages (Proc. International Workshop, Bad Honnef, FRG, March 1977), Abteilung Informatik, Universitat Dortmung, Bericht Nr 41 (1977), 25–29
3. Blikle, A.(1977B) Toward mathematical structured programming, In: Formal Description of Programming Concepts (Proc. IFIP Working Conf. St.Andrews, N.B., Canada, August 1–5, 1977, E.J. Neuhold ed.), 183–202, North Holland, Amsterdam 1978
4. Blikle, A.(1977C) An analytic approach to the verification of iterative programs, In: Information Processing (Proc. IFIP Congress 1977, B.Gilchrist ed.) North Holland 1977, 285–290
5. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;A. Blikle,1977