1. Amorim JC, Piccoli RH, Duarte WF (2018) Probiotic potential of yeasts isolated from pineapple and their use in the elaboration of potentially functional fermented beverages. Food Res Int 107:518–527
2. AOAC Official Method 920.151 (2005) Official methods of analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 18th edn. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg
3. AOAC Official Method 925.45 (2005) Official methods of analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 18th edn. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg
4. AOAC Official Method 934.06 (2005) Official methods of analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 18th edn. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg
5. AOAC Official Method 942.05 (2005) Official methods of analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 18th edn. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg