1. A.Borodin, D.Dolev, F.E.Fich, W.Paul. Bounds For Width-2 Branching Programs. Proceedings of 15th STOC, 1983, pp. 87–93.
2. A.Cobham. The Recognition Problem for the Set of Perfect Squares. 7th Symposium on SWAT, 1966, pp. 78–87.
3. W.Masek. A Fast Algorithm for the String Editing Problem and Decision Graph Complexity. Master Th., M.I.T.1976.
4. P.Pudlak. A Lower Bound on the Complexity Of Branching Programs. Univ. Of Prague, 1983.
5. I.Wegener. Optimal Decision Trees and 1-Time Only Branching Programs for Symmetric Boolean Functions. Proc. 9th CAAP, 1984.