1. N. G. DE Bruijn: Asymptotic Methods in Analysis, North Holland P.C. (1957); reprinted by Dover (1981).
2. S. Eilenberg: Automata, Languages and machines, Academic Press, New-York (1974).
3. P. Flajolet: Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures, in A Graduate Course in Computation Theory, Computer Science Press, (1985, to appear).
4. P. Flajolet: Ambiguity and Transcendence, in Proc. I.C.A.L.P., Nafplion (July 1985). To appear in Lecture Notes in Comp. Science.
5. P. Flajolet and A. Odlyzko: The Average Height of Binary Trees and Other Simple Trees, J. of Computer and System Sc.
25 (1983), pp. 345–369.