1. N. Barash-Schmidt et al.: Review of Particle Properties, UCRL-8030 (January 1969).
2. R. D. Stutzke, A. Abashian, L. H. Jones, P. M. Mantsch, J. R. Orr andH. H. Smith:Phys. Rev.,177, 2009 (1969).
3. U. Camerini, D. Ljung, M. Sheaff andD. Cline:Phys. Rev. Lett.,23, 326 (1969).
4. M. Pary: CERN G5-12 (1965) places an upper limit of 20% on the cross-sectionσ(νμ+p→p+νμ) in terms ofσ(νμ+n→p+μ),H. Faissner:Chicago A.P.S. Meeting (1964) one of 3 percent andC. Franzinetti:Chicago A.P.S. Meeting (1965) one of 8 percent.
5. D. H. Perkins:Proc. of the CERN Topical Conf. on Weak Interactions (1969); there the upper limit on σ(νμ+p→p+νμ) is revised upward, to 50%! See ref. (2).