1. Agamben, Giorgio. 2009a. What is a paradigm? In The signature of all things: On method (trans: Luca D’Isanto with Kevin Atell, 9–32). New York: Zone Books.
2. Agamben, Giorgio. 2009b. The signature of all things: On method. Trans. Luca D’Isanto with Kevin Atell. New York: Zone Books.
3. Agamben, Giorgio. 2010. Signatura rerum: Sobre el método. Trans. Flavia Cosla, and Mercedes Ruviluso. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama S.A.
4. Agamben, Giorgio, and Daniel Heller-Roazen. 1999. Aby Warburg and the nameless science. In Potentialities: Collected essays in philosophy, pp. 89–103. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
5. Andrade, Joaquim Pedro de. 1969. Macunaima. Fantasy, Comedy film. Brazil.