1. Adcock, B., Brugiapaglia, S., Dexter, N., Moraga, S.: Deep neural networks are effective at learning high-dimensional Hilbert-valued functions from limited data. In: Bruna, J., Hesthaven, J.S., Zdeborová, L. (ed.) Proceedings of The Second Annual Conference on Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning, Proc. Mach. Learn. Res. (PMLR), vol. 145, pp. 1–36. PMLR (2021)
2. Adcock, B., Brugiapaglia, S., Dexter, N., Moraga, S.: Near-optimal learning of Banach-valued, high-dimensional functions via deep neural networks. arXiv:2211.12633 (2022)
3. Adcock, B., Brugiapaglia, S., Dexter, N., Moraga, S.: On efficient algorithms for computing near-best polynomial approximations to high-dimensional, Hilbert-valued functions from limited samples. arXiv:2203.13908 (2022)
4. Adcock, B., Brugiapaglia, S., Webster, C.G.: Sparse Polynomial Approximation of High-Dimensional Functions. Comput. Sci. Eng. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA (2022)
5. Adcock, B., Dexter, N.: The gap between theory and practice in function approximation with deep neural networks. arXiv:2001.07523 (2020)