1. W. E. Quist, C. J. Van Der Wekken, R. Taggart, andD. H. Polonis,Trans. Met. Soc. AIME 245 (1969) 345.
2. J. M. Larson, R. Taggart, andD. H. Polonis,Met. Trans. 1 (1970) 485.
3. W. B. Pearson, “Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structure of Metals and Alloys” (Pergamon Press, New York, 1958).
4. W. B. Pearson andW. Hume-Rothery,J. Inst. Metals 80 (1951–52) 641.
5. P. S. Rudman, Atomic Size Difference as an Ordering and Driving Force, Proc. 1969 Bolton Landing (AIME) Conference on Ordered Alloys (Claitor, Baton Rouge, 1970).