1. Beer, S. (1966).Decision and Control, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
2. Beer, S. (1970).The Organization of the Manchester Business School from Nineteen Seventy, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.
3. Beer, S. (1975). The surrogate world we manage,“ Presidential Address to the Society for General Systems Research, Dec. 29, 1971, InPlatform for Change, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 397–416.
4. Beer, S. (1986a). The future of work, Keynote Address to 55th Annual Couchiching Conference.Futures Canada 8, Nos. 2 and 3.
5. Beer, S. (1986b). Recursions of power, Keynote Address to 7th European Conference on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Apr. 1984. In Trappl, R. (ed.),Power, Autonomy, Utopia, Plenum Press, New York.