1. Najszybciej bez drutu (in Polish: The quickest way: without wires) (1995)Rzeczpospolita 73 (4026), 23 March: IV.
2. See Duska, Ronald^F. (1993) Aristotle: A pre-modern post-modern? Implications for business ethics,Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (July): 228; also, Solomon, Robert C. (1993)Ethics and Excellence: Cooperation and Integrity in Business, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
3. See Duska, Ronald^F., op. cit.(; see also Show, Bill (1995) Virtues for a Postmodern World,Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (October): 850–851.
4. Duska, Ronald F. op. cit.(, 241.
5. MacIntyre, Alasdair (1977) Why Are the Problems of Business Ethics Insoluble?, In: Hoffman, W. Michael (ed.) (1977)Business Values and Social Justice: Compatibility or Contradiction? Center for Business Ethics, Bentley College, Waltham, MA: 100.